Sunday, May 11, 2008

Why do i hate summer?????

Because I love it!! :/

OK... let me explain myself here...

Everyone knows I absolutely admire the human body as one of the greatest and most well designed and beautiful things ever made ever ever and ever...

God REALLY was inspired on the sixth day. :)

And that is the reason why I hate summer, even though I love it (who ever said that love is not complicated... :) )... Because summer, specially in Europe, is the season where you will find LOADS of things like that:

And that:

All over the place...

Well you got the drill...

Which fair enough, when you don't get something very often, in this case warm weather, sun rays, etc, the moment you get it you are prone to enjoy it at it's utmost. It is not a problem at all... it is summer, it is hot and all... The only problem is when you are a married fellow like me. And let's put it like that... if you are a guy, married or not, you will be lying through your teeth if you're telling me you don't notice it. The only difference is that some are more vocal about it, and others are not. Is that true or am I a freak?

Hey... maybe that is why most of my friends used to think I would never get married!! lol!!! And even so... here I am, married for 4 years now... almost 5, and with a wonderful kiddo that in 4 days will be 4 years old. On your face!! :P

And I am VERY lucky my wife knows who I am, the way I am and that she loves me anyways. :) It helps that I know that if I eat out of the house I'll be punished! You can see but you can't touch!!! I'm such a good doggie! :)


Anyways... U gotta loooooooooove summer! :)


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