Thursday, July 26, 2007

Good old times... :)

God... I remember that!!!!
I was part of that!!!

Back to principles... Time to make history once again!


My life changes to fast and with no notice whatsoever.

It has always been like that since my parents decided to join el Movimiento Revolucion de Jesuscristo in Chile.

I think That is why I was always so unattached to anything or anyone: Because I knew that without notice, from day to night everything could change... It used to be like that: Today I am here, tomorrow... God knows where.

Don't take me wrong, I used to love it... By the age of 18 I had more air miles and had been to more places around the globe that many much older adults. And had been as well through many more situations that many people... From Living in a tent and having nothing to eat living only by faith (and God provided every day... one way or another) to working my arse off to make big bucks... to becoming a pastor in a land that once I found strange (and still do in some aspects) but that I have learned to call home.

The fact is, that rethinking my life... I see that living "la vida loca" also is the root of how insecure I have become in some aspects... Again don;t take me wrong, for example, I am not afraid of people... on the contrary.. much on the contrary... lol... But I am afraid of changes.

That's no good seeming the fact that I have, since a couple of months ago, been dedicating my life to change a generation... I want to make history... leave my mark in the world... But for that there has to be change... Starting in my own life...

I am now officially at war with my worst enemy... MYSELF.

And have just realized something... Changing a generation... transforming a generation... starts with SELF.

Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. (Rom. 12:2)

Dude... It is time to go to war... and time to take it home!

Changes... All I can do is pray that they happen to the best right now... and face it! STOP FIGHTING CHANGE, and ride on the wave that God is producing... Surf it to the shore.

Forget about what happened in the past... I am not my parents... and I am quite sure I will make my own mistakes... But if I don't do it... I'll just stay stuck in time!

And my friend... that just can't happen...

To much work to do... to little time!


PS: this post did not end up as I intended when I started writing... some how... I think I am sooooo tired of self pitty!! lol... Time to make the difference!

Monday, July 16, 2007

I am not amused!

just seen prices for tickets for our trip to Brazil...
Loved the prices but I am still cursing First Choice!!!
How Very dare they not having flights to Brazil between november and april at all????
Needless to say I am not a happy bunny!!!
Specially because the next cheaper one we found was £150.00 more expensive... that times 3 is a disaster altogether ...

I wanna cryyyyyyyyy!!!

Please god Pleeeeeeaaase!
