Tuesday, December 11, 2007

X-Mass Hits

I am really amazed by how many X-mass hits are actually xmass hits... :)
the response is actually none...

I have just spent the past 30 minutes watching "the most festive" in TMF (the program description actually says: "the biggest and best Christmas Hits") and the closest thing to a Christmas song shown on the program was recorded about 20 years ago...

Does everyone forget hat Christmas is supposed to be about?? I mean forget the whole pagan festival thing, and the fact that Jesus wasn't actually born in December... but I thought it was supposed to be about a Guy that changed the world with His teachings and the things He did...

And do you want to know what is THE SCARIEST thing of all??? Having a band called The Darkness singing the most annoying Christmas Hit ever... and even worse... that Christmas Time (don;t let the bells end) was actually the closest thing to a christmas song... lol

So do I hate Christmas? Nah... just the fact that everyone is so hypocritical to think that one day in the year you have do be jolly... and one day in the year you have to desire happiness to all... and be a good neighbor, a good parent, or a good son... Tha once a year you have to be generous and think about other people... What happened to doing that everyday???

Ok... maybe I don't actually like christmas like I used to when I was a kid... maybe the only reason I don't completely hate the date is because I now have a kiddo myself and I know I can't take that away from him.

Must sleep... My ramblings are way to random tonite... I blame the stinking cold that got me again...



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