Tuesday, December 25, 2007

And so this is christmas

yup... the season has started with a bang!!

And a big one at it!. This was our first Christmas as hosts! Yeap... Crimbo was at our place this year... although Tommy's started about a week before time (he went to Mum's so poor Vic could have some rest... not that she rested much but hey...).

It started with a bang because the moment mum, Chris and grandmathe arrived with tommy, she tripped on the door step to the lift and cracked her head open! Vic first aided her and after some time she had to be taken to hospital. 4 hours later they were back and Grandmother had 5 stitches on the head... and we were all starving so we had Christmas Supper at almost 1 am.

We only went to bed past 2:3am but Tommy still didn't forgive us and decided 10 am was a niiiice time to wake up!

lol... this is life... the joys of parenthood! :)

Going to the in-laws when morning comes... Let's see how interesting is the rest of Crimbo!!! :)


On a brighter note:

Tommy got LOADS of remote controled toys, from helicopters that actually fly to an anfibious tank that actually shoots airsoft ammunition. Loads of fun!! hehehe but sometimes he has to remind me that the yare HIS toys... lol


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