Thursday, February 28, 2008

I know I know...

... I've been quite absent lately...

My excuse this time is that I am Ill... very ill!!!

I've got the mother of all coughs! No joking!!! And not just that... my throat is killing me... All my limbs ache and I generally just feel like staying in bed all day... unfortunately that is not an option.

I have a manual and some forms for surge to finish and they won't complete themselves will they?

We're also having our first SURGE meeting of the year!! yayyy!! :)

It will be at the Hays Gallery in London Bridge, 3 pm... so if abyone actually reads this blog and would like to come along.... feel free to do it... we will be the small group of crazy people on the far side, closest to the Belfast pier. :)

I promise I'll be reporting more often... I need to finish the re-doing of my website as well... the problem is that I have so much to do with the taking care of TB + CWI + ill + myself + Vic + mum + Family problems (will detail that in an other time... haven't got the energy for it... but it has something to do with the girl punch up I've posted before...) + Life... but hey... Thank God I'll have some help from next week onwards. Giovanna is coming to London and she'll be tommy's... nany??? :) that means I'll have more space in my head to get things done... I'll nee dsome energy injection... but that's just the basic of basics. :)

Pictures... as promised... here are the first 103 holiday pics... the rest will be posted when is posted... heheheeh... click on Vic's bum to open the album and enjoy!

Holiday Pix: Salvador - before wedding
Gotta run...


1 comment:

Glowstars said...

Man flu!
And if you don't remove that picture I will stop cooking your food and washing your clothes and you will find yourself without a bed. And that's just for starters!