Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Is Europe becoming a platform for terrorists?

I really don't know which one is the worst... If it is the US paranoia (well within reason but nevertheless excessive) with terrorist attacks or if the public opinion about it.

According to US Homeland Security head Michael Chertoff (the guy in the photo) the security checks for travelers going from Europe to the USA should augment exponentially. Check the story from BBC News.

I believe this is well within reason! Lets put it like that: Not only the Muslim community in Europe is MUCH bigger than anywhere else (and growing geometrically), augmenting the risk because of bloody Islamic extremists, but also there is almost no way to track a person once he/she is within the EU frontiers. OF course governments will say they have everything under control and all but I know a number of people that is within the EU borders illegally (some for years) and the respective governments of the countries they are in have no idea. Worse... they seem to travel a hell of a lot more around Europe without a visa than I do being legal... :) cool uh?

Lets face it. Europe is at risk of becoming a huge platform for terrorism.

The worse bit is how alienated the people here seems to be. Read those comments from BBC's Have Your Say and you will know what I mean. Most people seems to have no idea of what they are talking about. And for others the Anti-American feeling speaks higher than reason.

The only worrying thing is that the last place accused of becoming a platform for terrorist was Iraq... should we prepare for an invasion from Almighty US&A in order to "liberate" us from evil???

It's the end of times peeps!

I might have response!! I think it is time "church" gets out of 4 walls and becomes more active within the community it is... Time for churches to stop fighting and mouthing each other and to get together with ONE purpose... the one they were put together in the first place:

To go and tell the world about The Way, The Truth and The Life!!!

Time to men action stations!


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