Saturday, March 04, 2006

How amateur of me!!

Or you can call it stupid as well!!!
I mean, I've been living for my whole life with the rules for taking pictures in big "media" churches.
I mean, in Macul you would need an express authorizarion from the Bishop or the responsible for media (dad) to do it, In Renascer there were times where you couldn't even take cellphone pictures and on SNT same thing. Why in hell did I not think on getting this authorization to take this photographs on Marcos Witt's Show????? Why did I think it would be any different in KT???
But ok... I've learned my lesson... Next time will try and do it with a full week of antecedence. :)
Actually I am aplying to be one of KTs official photographers to avoid anything like that and will make sure I have the permission for next saturday's Fashion Show...

Well... anyways... The seminar was GREAT! Not that I haven't been to this same one 2 times before... but there is always something new... and Marcos Witt's jokes are hilarious! lol

New motiations and new "gas" to get step out and get the job done!!!!

I am happy Vic convinced me to go to this seminar again!


PS: Had the meeting with Chaplins again... aparently I will have t charge them more money and will receive the money at the momment of the booking of the photoshoot to avoid the big fiascos like monday's. Me likes that... ;)

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