Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!!! (?????)

Like everyone I have plans for the new year...
Like everyone I have projects, things I want to change, things I want to do, things to hope for for the new year that begins now...

This year is the first I spend with no celebration...
The happiest happy new year I got was from some drunk guy that got into the carriage of the tube I was traveling on when new year came. Yeap... I was on the tube at 12am... Vic was ill, and not a happy bunny... not at all if I may say (I think it has something to do with he fact that she hasn't taken her medicines for 4 days but hey... who am I to say anything without having my head chopped off my body), Tommy was asleep on his buggie, not feeling all to well for having to be woken up and dressed up and plonked on his buggie for the 2 hour long journey home... I wasn't a happy bunny because I really wanted to celebrate this year that is to come...

I never thought I would be one of this guys that would write or talk about their wife full of complains and some times indignation... but I think I am about to become that guy. My patience has a limit... I Love her very much but things better get better and staying better or I'll snap...

I am so tired!!! I should probably let it all go away while I sleep and then post... But I have decided that this year would be different and so it will be. I am still to diplomatic to let it reap all that I feel at once but I want to let it count that at the moment I am not happy...

But tomorrow will be a new day...
Tomorrow the year begins officially....
And tomorrow means that today is water passing under a bridge...

The hope is still here, and I believe 2007 will be a VERY interesting year.
I wanna be a history maker in this land!
I want and will change my and other people's life theme!

So help me God!!!!!

Happy new year!!!!
For you and for me and for all of us!!!

Stay Blessed!

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